How to manage time as an Entrepreneur and stay motivated even with your 9 to 5?

How to manage time as an Entrepreneur and stay motivated even with your 9 to 5?


Hello you lovely people! Yet another blog, yet another topic to be focused on!

A lot of mentees ask me a vivid set of questions, but there’s one question that I find very common and repetitive among them. And believe me, if you are someone working on your entrepreneurial venture, you must have definitely come across this question at some point of time. Well, some of the most common versions of this burning question are:

  • How many hours of the day do I need to chip in to get my entrepreneurial vision come to life?
  • Can I work on my startup/business while still working in a 9 to 5 job cycle?
  • How to manage time as an entrepreneur even while working as a 9 to 5 employee?
  • What impact would working on my entrepreneurial goals have on my social/personal life?

Hey, relax! You need not worry about all these factors if you’re passionate to achieve greatness. All you need while working on a Business venture is shear strategy and a lot of motivation.

Now, a lot of yáll would be thinking that it’s not that tricky enough to stay motivated. However, I wouldn’t convince you that it’s a pretty simple job just like those commercials but would enlighten you that it’s not a 24×7 task to successfully develop a business and work as a full-time jobber. Much to your disappointment, my entrepreneur, it’s actually a 25×8 grind.

You sure are pondering upon why is it so, it’s because you probably would go through a rough phase syncing all the duties together, suffer a breakdown, sleepless nights, tedious coordination for your freshly established startup along with paying those hefty bills, and maybe more; and that’s not easy at all! But let me tell you, in the end it’s all gonna matter and will reward you to your utter worth.



Well, I’ve had a fair share of troubles that are involved in setting up a business along with a full-time job, and I triumphed. There were gloomy days when I wanted to snatch my hair off my head and just give up, there was a time when I was completely detached from my social life; but I kept going, keeping my goals in mind.

As you read along you’ll find a video below to answer all of these daunting questions and situations. In this video, I wanna talk about the methods that I used to work my way around even while working as a Teacher at a college and initiating my own Homecare Agency. Moreover, I’ll share some tips that I wish someone had shared with me back in those days, the source of motivation that I used to keep me going, and a lot more on how to be successful at your endeavors.


I am 100% confident that you would find this video useful and motivating. 

Hoping yáll to apply the methods I used in my career and emerge successful with flying colors!

Meanwhile, if you have any questions or a doubts that’s not been addressed in the video, I would love to help you out! All you gotta do is write it down in the comments section or you can also follow me on the links below, where I regularly share valuable content for budding entrepreneurs like yourself!

Till then, stay motivated and keep snatching success!